Why Speak Up
One of my family members, a conservative scholar that has been disappointed by the world that has been turned upside down, told me that “I don’t think what you are doing (share about your true thoughts) is meaningful. Everything is already been used to eliminate their political enemies (so nothing can be changed)”.
I completely agree with him when it refers to the election. Whatever you do, you can’t get Trump back to the White House at this moment. I don’t predict or promote any future that I want. Whatever comes in coming future, it is heaven’s will and American people’s choice including accepting Biden despite election fraud and getting rid of Trump with the cost of America’s future. At least, it is almost half American people’s choice.
Another of my friends, a lawyer shared the same belief with me and a Biden supporter, told me that “it (supporting Trump) will not make us (Falun Gong practitioners) look good (in main stream)”.
I completely agree with him when it refers to social image. When 90% major medias are controlled or impacted and broadcasting 7/24 that you are bad, how many people will or even dare to believe that you are good? That is exactly what Falun Gong practitioners went through in the persecution in China: the whole society is covered with fear. That’s why we feels so familiar about what is happening in America right now.
But I am not doing all this just to get Trump back or look good.
Me and many of my friends are Falun Gong practitioners. A lot of them (but not all) can not accept election fraud especially when they believe there is Chinese Communist Party behind it. Because they know very well about the evilness of Communism with the cost of their friends, family members, fellow practitioners, and 80 million Chinese people’s blood. The lives lost in COVID-19 because of Chinese government’s cover-up not counted yet.
I only speak for myself but I also believe many of my fellow practitioners are the same.
I speak up because I don’t want to see USA to be turned into a country that we escaped from.
I speak up because I don’t want American people to pay the cost that we already paid to realise the danger of Communism.
I speak up because I believe the cost is going to be something you and the world can never afford.
We speak up because we hope people that can hear us will have a better future.